Noble County believes that our way of life is as important as our prosperity. Our cultural attractions and amenities create attachment to the communities we live in, attract new people to the area, and improve the overall quality of life here. Knowledge of, and participation in culture, fosters an appreciation for our history, pride in the present, and hope for the future.

Noble County is a community that believes our way of life is as important as our prosperity. An active, engaged community is one with fruitful business, exciting arts, charitable organizations and involved residents collectively connected.

Our community must increase local appreciation of, and participation in, cultural activities. An advantageous, dynamic community is one that raises up its marketplaces, cultural activities and nonprofits by informing its citizens of their benefits and drawing them in. Noble County’s way of life can thrive through enthusiastic associations within community.

• Create attachments to our community
• Improve the quality of life
• Encourage community support of cultural activities
• Foster an appreciation for our past, present and future

You are thriving if you...
I attend local sporting events, arts programs, festivals, and cultural events.