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Young people who feel like they are heard, valued, and become actively engaged in their community are more likely become their community's leaders in adulthood. Developing those youth/adult partnerships now—and giving youth meaningful opportunities for involvement—is a valuable investment in the future of our communities and children.


The Vision


Noble County is a community that values young people’s opinions, participation and outcomes. Our children are the future leaders and builders. Investing in their development and encouraging them to become engaged and involved in the community will produce a Noble County that thrives.

Desired Change


Our youth must become involved in Noble County, and they must be actively offered the meaningful and appropriate opportunities to become involved. Community and business members must be dedicated to cultivating our young people early and often and teaching them to become active community members and engaged learners for the betterment of our community.



• Create attachments to the community

• Develop a pool of future entrepreneurs and leaders for our community

• Encourage effective youth/adult partnerships

Youth being mentored

You are thriving if you...

I provide opportunities for youth representation on our management team or as part of an advisory committee.

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